Thursday, September 8, 2016

many of you guys may know that in september 11,2001 there was a terrorist attack on three major places. these three places were the world trade center in new york city, the pentagon just outside washington d.c., and in a field in pennsylvania. you were lucky enough if you weren't impacted by it. honestly, this day was one of the most tragic stories in our history.on this day many people lost their families, innocent people that did nothing were killed by this attack. it saddens me how the 19 attackers didn't think of what their actions could have done to many people. if only they could have put their selves in the shoes of the people that lost their families. i'm all for peace, that's who i am and that's what i believe in. they say it's impossible but at least we can try. we don't know for certain why they did it or what were their reasons. we must learn from this and learn how to live with it. my first memory of this was in the third grade when my teacher made us write a letter about the events to inform our parents.we also read a book about this day. in conclusion september 11,2001 was a day that may never be forgotten especially to those who actually witness it first hand. it was a day of tragedy where many family members, police officers,and firemen died.But in the end we overcame it and i'm truly sorry for those who lost somebody.Facts: about 3,00 people were killed, 400 of these people were police and firefighters.the wreckage took 9 months to clean.

 Reflection : september 11,2001 was something truly terrible that even terrible cant cover the events that happen that day. all i want to say is that this coming monday, september 9, 2016 be thankful that you still have your life and your family because this day 15 years ago some people lived their last day and it wasn't their best day. some other people lost their family so be thankful for those people that are still around and enjoy those special moments with them like if it were your last.

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