Thursday, December 15, 2016

Class Evaluation
1.I like this class because it makes you think about life and making the right choices. This class is like a place where you can find the advice to all your questions. I also like that we have the opportunity to learn how to use technology and that we get to share with our classmates. This class gives me insight on the things that are bad and shows me how to turn them good.
2. Somethings that i didn’t like about this class was that it was too quiet at times. In other words there wasn’t much participation from the students. Another thing that i didn’t like was the time limit we had to write things. I wouldn’t have enough time to process my thoughts.
3.Some recommendations i have for this class is to encourage the students on participating. Also giving us at least 5 minutes to discuss the prompt before writing about it.
4.A highlight in this class was getting to know more about the people in here and learning more about my teacher. It showed me how we all can make mistakes and not make them again.
5.yes, i feel like i did the best that i could in this class. I tried hard to answer the prompt but something that i need to work on in this class is my participation and my typing.  I feel like i can do a bit better on both areas and next semester i plan to do so.
6.yes, when i have time at the beginning or at the end of the day i do some thinking. I look at my goals and i plan how am i going to do that. I believe that little by little i’ll reach my destination.
7.yes, i'm committed to being a ctr person. The reason for this is, when you're a better person things tend to go better for you. So being as better person will help me stay away from trouble and bring new opportunities to me.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

What i heard and what i saw in the video…
At school:
There was these two girls and they were about to take a test. During the test one of the girls asked the other girl if she could help her or let her copy. The other girl shook her head no and the other girl respected her decision.
At medical school:
So it was a testing day and some of the students have studied while others have not. The teacher passes out the test and then leaves. Once he leaves the students that didn’t study take out their own cheat sheets. Then there was this one guy who spoke up and said that what they were doing was wrong and if they didn’t stop that he was going to tell on them.So they put away the papers and continued there work. A lot of them graduated.
I learned that it’s never good to cheat and that if you set your mind to something you can accomplish it.

“When  you tell one lie, it leads to another.”-Paul Hatch
This means that it’s bad to lie because lying can become a bad habit. In other words lying once will make the possibility of lying twice more probable. It isn’t good to lie because all that lying brings you is more lies and the more lies you have the more trouble you're bound to get into. They say that you can’t get away with anything and it’s true you may think you have but in the end it strikes you in the face. What my point is that you should always be honest but honest the right way. Don’t go all around telling people what you think of them if it’s negative and say that you're just trying to be honest. That’s not honesty because you're hurting them without warning. When you decide to be honest take it easy...find a way to word it so that it isn’t that bad...because in  the end someone will end up getting hurt but not as badly as if you were to lie. An example of this when my brother said leave but he did . It would have been easier for us to accept the fact if he would have been honest with us. It hurts more  when you find out the truth from another person then from the actual person because you realize that they were willing to lie to your face than instead of being honest.

Friday, December 9, 2016

The sting of the scorpion
By patrick kearon
When patrick was small they lived in the peninsula and well his parents told him to put on his shoes. As you can tell in the peninsula there are many dangers that lurk there and that’s why you have to be careful. So young patrick didn’t put on his shoes but some sandals. He thought that his sandals were going to protect him and either way he wasn’t going very far. So as he was walking he got stung by a scorpion and he described the pain as excruciating. He started to call for help...and then his parents came. They took him to the doctor and they said that everything would be okay. They numb his foot so he wouldn’t feel pain. That day he learn to not wear sandals when going to explore and that he should have chosen the right.
A life lesson i learned about this story is that our parents are always right..they are always trying to protect us but we don’t see it like that.

“Always do right.” Mark Twain
Always do right in other words choose the right. In order to do right you must learn how to immediately spot the difference between wrong and right. This semester i have learned something that can help you with this and it’s becoming a ctr person. A ctr person is one that chooses the right without even questioning it. I'm still in a learning process on how to be a ctr person 24/7. So what is right… right is doing things that make you feel good about yourself and amazes other people by your character. To get into the habit of doing right you must first perform a random act of doing right. For example study before a test because it’s the right thing to do. Once you do one right thing it won’t be hard for you to another one. Note that if you do the right things will turn out great for you...So if you’re good, good things will happen. Also just remember that there is a reason why you're doing it. Keep that in mind and pursue greatness. Like how my school says it “your greatness waiting to happen.”


Wednesday, December 7, 2016

“ it’s better to be alone than in bad company.” unknown
To me this means that sometimes we worry about the wrong things like for instance not having friends but maybe it’s for the best. We have to look at things in a positive way as in maybe things will change. What this quote is trying to say is that if you're going to make friends choose the ones that do you good. Choose the friends that want you to be happy than those who don’t . as you can see it’s better to be alone than with a bad influence that can drag you down with them. For instance having friends that only want to have fun will get you into the habit of only wanting to do fun. What type of friends are those. I rather be a lonely child then have my life turn upside down just so that i can have some  friends. I know it’s hard because you're like the only one with no one to go to but … eventually you’ll find a friend that really is a friend. The best thing that i can say is that when you are looking for a friend make sure to be yourself and trust me you’ll be noticed.

ww.jpgWorld war II
World war two is remembered every december the 7th, since december 7, 1941.The countries that fought against the united states in world war two were Japan, Italy, and Germany. World war two was a global war so it took place in many locations. Some of these locations are the Atlantic ocean, the Pacific ocean, Europe, and Russia. Listed below are some events that happened during world war two:
  • June 22,1941. Germany Invades ussr opening eastern front. In this event the thing that happens is the Hitler sends Germany to attack on Russia. Out of the three armies 91,000 people surrendered and only 5,000 men survived. In the end the result of this war was the opening of the eastern front.
  • May 13, 1943. Allies drive Germans out of North America. In this event the british are fighting the germans and italians over the course of 3 years. The U.S. tank defeated the German tank therefore making 240,000 germans and italians surrender.
  • June 6, 1944. D-day. This event was when the Polish, Canadian, British, and America tricked Hitler by making a fake invasion in one place while the real invasion was going on somewhere else. They got to successfully invade France and with that they got a “foothold” on Europe.

A way that you can show your respect is by thanking the veterans and if you get the opportunity to talk to them than do. Other things you can do is get a military observance calendar, a pin, or a book on the event.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Challenges teens face today
Some major challenges teens face today are peer pressure, low self esteem, depression, and abuse of drugs and or alcohol. Let’s start with peer pressure it may sound negative but it can also be used in a positive way. What is peer pressure? Well the most common form is that it’s known to be used in a negative way. For example your so called friends peer pressuring you into ditching school or doing things that you aren’t certain about but we sometimes give into peer pressure just because we don’t know how to say no. Low self esteem is another common issue teens have...why? I don’t really know. To me i guess it’s because we're too afraid to be who we are. We underestimate our true potential because of these fears...fears that pull us down with them. Low self esteem can lead to depression. Depression. Feeling sad all the time thinking that there is no hope in the world, that nothing good ever happens. You see the problem these days is that we feel as though the whole world is against us and that there is no one to but there is. Try to be positive. Last but not least drug and alcohol abuse. It’s crazy to think that such young people with there life ahead of them spend their time throwing it away. Then again it all connect to peer pressure and hanging out with the wrong people. So before you do anything set yourself a rule to resist the pressure and think about the consequences it could have. For me two challenges i face today is low self esteem...I don’t have it that low but i would like to have it higher. I also face the challenge of body image and i guess that it contributes to the reason why i have a sort of low self esteem and the lack of confidence,but i’m working on it.Being a ctr person helps because it can help you make the right choices. It can help you stay away from drugs and all the negative peer pressure. Being a ctr person helps you focus on other things rather that the pending problems which make you think less about the wrong and more about the right. We can help teens today by being a supportive friend and staying positive. All we need is a little bit of hope.

REFLECTION: The main challenge we face is staying true to our selves. As a teen we have to face many challenges and it may not be so easy. Just know that it doesn't last forever and that things happen for
a reason. If you ever feel down or need a little boost of encouragement listen to music. I would like to recommend the song Understand by Shawn Mendes it’s a really nice song.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. Intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong.” President John F. Kennedy
To me this quote means that if you want to prosper in life one key thing is your health. Many people don’t think about it but what if you made it really far and you aren’t in good health, you won’t be able to enjoy your life. I haven’t really thought about it but now that it has came up i plan to be and stay healthy. Some things that i need to do is exercise more that just 30 minutes. You see exercise is important because it helps you maintain your weight and it also makes you feel good. Exercise is essential to someone's well being and if i want to be healthy then i must exercise. Another thing i can do to improve my health is eat more healthier and try not to stress as much.There are  many things that i can do to improve my health and there are also thing that i can stop doing or not do. In other words something that i should stop doing is waiting for the last minute to do things or saying that i don't have time when in reality i have plenty of time. You see if i want to physically fit i have to get active...i have to make energy from my laziness. So something that i’ll try not to do anymore is waste time. Time is precious and very limited so i should use it and make it worth it. Other things one can do to stay away from harm is to stay away from drugs like smoking and drinking alcohol.

Health Science Librarian
A health science librarian helps people find information in health related topics.
Duties and responsibilities:
  • Conduct research to update on the latest information of health topics.
  • They distribute and arrange this information so that it can get across to people and doctors.
  • They make their own detailed biographies over a wide range of health fields.
  • Their main purpose is to look for the item that the customer may need no matter where it can be found.
  • They use extensive national networks to contact people.
  • Some other things they may do is categorize and organize important information.
Salary: A health science librarian earns about $66,622 in a year working full time.
Education: if you're planning to become a health science librarian here are some things that you can to:
  1. Graduate high  school. While you're in high school it’s recommended for you to take classes in typing , math , and science.
  2. Then you must obtain a bachelor’s degree, and taking some courses such as typing and computer science.
  3. You must also obtain a master's degree in library science.
  4. Note that you don't have to be certified but it is recommended.
Demand or need for this profession:This job is said to grow 2% from 2014 to 2024.

Reflection: no i don't think i would like to be a health science librarian because to me this job doesn’t fascinate me. I want to actually work in the medical field not study about what’s going on. I want to be involved in making the world a healthier place and for that i feel that this job won't be enough.