Tuesday, January 24, 2017

“I wasn’t trying to leave a legacy. I was trying to do what was right.” Dean Smith
Today i learned how striving for something else can lead take you to other places. What i mean about striving is to aim for something, something that will benefit others and not just yourself. I learned that being a caring person has it’s rewards but those rewards shouldn’t matter that much to you. The true reward is knowing that by choosing the right you did something for other people and now they are doing things for other people. Dean Smith taught me to care for other people other than yourself because that’s another way that you can better your character and another way that will make the world a better place. If you are kind and caring people will pick up on because that’s what people need, they need an example. By being kind you might leave a legacy or a good reputation of yourself, you should be proud of yourself but more proud about others because they too are choosing the right. Choosing the right has always a way of showing up. If you were to think of it only good things happen when choose the right .why is that? Well maybe it’s because when you choose the right you make the right choices and that’s the key to living a better life, of making a legacy without an intention. An example of all this would be our honored man Dean Smith. He taught the right principles to his students and he never asked for to much he just did the right thing and was proud of it. He got recognized for it but that wasn’t the real goal it was extra. THis helped me learn to be king because that is choosing the right.

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