Monday, November 7, 2016

Student success statement
  1. Have the courage to say NO.
  2. Have the courage to face the truth.
  3. Do the right thing because it is right.
These are the three magic keys to living your life with integrity.” - W. Clement Stone
To me, this quote meaning is to tell us to stay true to ourselves and who we are. That's why Mr. Stone states that as long as you have these three keys you’ll be okay in life. In other words as long as you follow the three simple rules he stated you are bound to stay true to yourself and that is one thing we always try to do. Growing up can lead to many obstacles and decisions where you are challenged to stand up to what’s right . taking the advice from Mr. Stone will help you become a better person  in life. Having the courage to say no, well that can be challenging especially if you're saying no to someone that’s very close to you. If we want to stay true to ourselves and show integrity we must learn the ways of how to use courage to back up what we believe is right. Saying no, telling the truth,and doing what’s right can all lead us to a better life of integrity.  It’s not difficult to follow these little steps it just may feel a little funny getting use to them. As long as you try you are bound to learn them and when you succeed,you’ll be one step closer into becoming a better person. An example of this would be not telling a lie. Next time you do something bad apologize for your mistake and promise to not do it again. If you keep practicing this habit it will be  easy for you to follow it.


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