Thursday, May 25, 2017

“ When a deep injury is done to us, we never recover until we forgive.” Alan Paton
Forgiveness what a magical word/act. It can sometimes be hard to be expressed when it has it truly gives the person closure. We have pride and resentment that may take us away from actually forgiving a person that haos hurt us but aren’t we only hurting ourselves. I say this because if you don’t let an event that brought you so much pain, be gone then you're always going to have that pain with you. I myself, am a hard forgiver. What this means is that for me to forgive a person...will take me a long time to do it and this is bad. I understand what Alan Paton is saying.  An example of this would be if someone made a mean remark about you when they shouldn’t have but they did. They probably didn’t think it hurt because sometimes people speak before they think. It obviously did hurt and you might feel that pain for a little while or a very long time until you forgive that person. You see if you forgive a person then it’s just all there  fault you create a sense of guilt in them. Later on they will apologize and next time they won’t be so mean to you. In conclusion forgiveness is key to being able to “breath”. Or in other words to “take some weight off you chest”. After all forgiving never hurt a person.

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